J Exerc Nutrition Biochem Search


Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry 2005;9(1):7-14.
Articles : The Effect of Creatine Supplementation and Interruption on the Blood Lipids
The purpose of this study was to estimate creatine supplementation and interruption effect on blood lipids in judo athletes. The supplementation and interruption of creatine which was repetition and 3 week supplementation, 2 week de-supplementation for 21 judo athletes out in three groups which are low weight, ordinary weight, over weight, respectively. Analyzed variation was cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-C, lipase, total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio. It was showed that total cholesterol was decreased and dosage time was the longer the more effective depend on Cr dosage, also supplementation and interruption was significantly effective in low weight group. It was indicated that Cr dosage was positive effect on TG decrease and it was not significantly effect on Cr supplementation but supplementation, interruption and repetition was not significantly difference. It was showed that Cr dosage was not positive effect on HDL and supplementation, interruption and repetition was significantly difference only Cr dosage after 3 weeks in low weight group. It was indicated that lipase was significantly increased until 2 weeks of interruption and then decreased, and supplementation, interruption and repetition was not significantly difference. It was showed that TC/HDL ratio was significantly difference Cr dosage 3weeks after compare with before and between re-interruption 2 weeks in low weight group, and all variables were not significantly difference in ordinary weight and control group. Therefore, It was showed that Cr dosage was positive effect on TC and TG dcraese but HDL and lipase. Also, it was indicated that supplementation, interruption and repetition was effective on TC and TG decrease and it was showed that was the more effective the larger Cr dosage amount. Therefore, It was indicated that Cr dosage was positive effective not only lipid metabolism but also aspects of health.
Key Words: Creatine, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-C, Lipase, total cholesterol/HDL-C


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