Articles : The Effects of 8-week Red-rice Administration and Exercise Training on Lipid Metabolism and BMD in Growing Rats |
Abstract |
This study was designed to clarify the effects of red-rice bran extract administration and running training on bone and lipid metabolism in growing rats. Twenty-four 5-week-old male Wister- Kyoto (WKY) rats were randomly divided into four groups: Control Non-exercise group (CN; n = 5), Control Exercise group (CE; n = 4), Red-rice administrated Non-exercise group (RN; n = 5), Red-rice administrated Exercise group (RE; n = 5). The RN and RE groups were fed a standard diet (CE-2, Oriental yeast, Japan) containing 10% red-rice bran extract, the CN and CE groups were fed only a standard diet. Exercise was performed on the treadmill (KN-73, Natsume, Japan) at 23 m/min, 60 min/day, 5days/ week for 8weeks. At the end of the experimental period, rats were sacrificed with blood drawn and then tibia and several organs were removed. The serum T-cho, T-lipid and phospholipid of RN group was 45.5%, 37.0%, 40.2%, respectively lower than those of CN group (p<0.001) with a tendency of decrease in the body weight. The results of examination of the hapatic function, such as serum GOT, GPT, γ-GTP. TP, Alb, and the nephric function, such as BUN, Na, K, showed similar levels among groups. The bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of the CN and RN showed similar levels. On the other hand, although running exercise in CE group increased BMC compared with that of CN group (p<0.05), the exercise also increased body weight (p<0.01), heart weight (p<0.05), BMD (p<0.05) and BMC (p<0.001) in RE group compared with that of RN group. These results suggest that 8-week red-rice bran extract administration might improve the lipid metabolism, and the combined treatment with running training has more beneficial effects in body weight and BMD in growing rats. |
Key Words:
red-rice bran extract, running exercise, Lipid metabolism, BMD, BMC |